Being Your Own PEACE

What does it even mean to be your own PEACE?

Have you ever found yourself alone thinking and feeling empty? You replay your life and all the people you’ve mentored, given your time, resources, money, and energy to. You’ve been everything to everyone and yet struggle to be everything for yourself. You’ve created a life where you’re surrounded by “friends”, have a active social life, and a thriving dating life. You feel fulfilled in those moments but when it ends and no is around you’re left with your thoughts that keep you up at date and anxiety that comes and goes like the wind. If this is you or you know someone who may need help, please keep reading.

    Being your own peace means abandoning all expectations and desires for others to fix you, love you, and make you happy. This concept may seem like you’re self sabotaging your own happiness but it is actually the exact opposite. Abandoning the idea of others being those things for you creates a space for you to be those things for yourself. Being your own peace requires a heightened sense of self-awareness and care.


  • Pay attention to your body and noticing any changes

  • Pay attention to your thoughts to track if they are positive and self fulfilling.

  • Pay attention to your emotions to see if your mood is stable and balanced

  • Pay attention to your health and go to the doctor regurlarly


    It would be impossible to notice all of these things about yourself if you’re expecting others to take care of your mental, physical, and emotional health. As you start to focus on yourself you may start creating distractions and road blocks. Since you have trained yourself to rely on others it may seem difficult if not impossible at times . Please let me reassure you that relying on yourself takes courage, will power, and determination that you will possession or already posses.

    Tips and Tricks to Be Your Own Peace!

  1. Meditate to clear your mind and silence the outside world

  2. Exercise to promote physical health

  3. Deep breathing to calm your heart and ground yourself

  4. Journal to keep track of your thoughts and document your journey

  5. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Start listening to your inner voice

Being your own peace is a conscious decision to openly accept stability and self-awareness. Developing and learning who you are can make you stronger mentally and physically. You will face obstacles while finding your inner peace but through your new found strength you will be able to overcome any obstacle. The problem solving skills you will develop will force you to strengthen your communication, adaptability, resiliency, and cognitive skills.

When to HELP others.

  1. When he or she ask for help (Please stop playing Superman or Superwomen) and jumping to people rescue without them asking. Give that person an opportunity to come up with solutions for themselves and develop problem-solving skills.

  2. Set boundaries when someone does ask for help. (If helping that person is going to cause any form of harm to yourself please say, “No”.)

  3. Figure out how much you have to give mentally, physically, financially, spiritually, and emotionally. (Once you hit your max then please say, “No”.)

Please keep all the tips and tricks mentioned in this blog in the forefront of your mind as you live your best life in 2019.

Written by Tammarra. Letbetter M.Ed, LPC